Waco Baptist Church began in 1859 and since its beginning, has sought to be a place where people could come to seek the Lord, serve the Lord and grow in community with one another. Waco has a rich history of men and women who have led this church through the changes that have come through this area.
Although many faces have come and gone and a host of pastors have served the church in its 160 years, the church continues to be a place where community is discovered in deeper ways as we seek to understand the truth of God’s Word and serve God with our whole heart. We invite you and your family to come and discover your part in God’s story as we journey together.

Physical Address
3646 Irvine Rd, Waco, KY 40385
Mailing Address
PO Box 560, Waco, KY 40385
Phone: (859) 369-5766
Email: wacobaptist@gmail.com
Sunday School - 10 AM
Sunday Morning Worship - 11 AM
Sunday Evening Worship - 6 PM
Wednesday Evening Worship - 7 PM